Hey mom! thanks for the email, sorry if lots of words are mispelled, the keyboard im using isnt very good!! So guess what! last night Elder Holland came and talked to all the elders here for the tuesday night devotional! It was amazing , the spirit was so strong, im pretty sure that all 2000+ elders cried at one time or another during his devotional! He said so many good things, and he talked with such power! my testimony grew like 200% after listening to him talk. it was absolutley amazing!! He said that we all have to convert one person no matter what, and that one person has to be ourselfs! He talked about the importance of having the gospel in your heart! and to live what we preach! he said that if we come home and go inactive he will punch us in the face haha!! he also talked about teaching the lords way, which is by the spirit, he said that this isnt burger king, we dont get it our way haha!! he also said that we must teach by authority, he said we have more authority than anyone, the president, the pope, the prime minister!! he spoke with so much power, all i can say is it was amazing! In the end of the talk he spoke how we need to be the missionaries that kids think we are, we need to be moroni, because thats who they think we are! at the end he bore his testimony, he said that he has not given up his whole life for a fairy tale, this is gods truth, we are in this forever! Everyone was Speechless after the talk! It was so inspired!
Also this week, elder holobaugh passed a kidney stone, and that was pretty much all the excitment this week! The spanish is coming along good, i can have good convos pretty easy now! its crazy how fast i am learning, but i know its only because heavenly father is helping me!!
Mom i know that this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ! i know that this is the true and everlasting gospel of jesus christ!! The mtc is an amazing place! It gets better almost everyday! Sure the days are long and sometimes i wanna punch my comp in the face, but its not suppose to be easy! It his making me a better person everyday!! I love all you guys!!
Well gotta go! Write me and send me goods!!
Love, Elder Stradling!!