Saturday, May 8, 2010

Our First Email From Elder Stradling

Hey family!!
hey guys hows it going at home i am doing great here, i like it alot!! the spirit is very strong and everyone is happy to be here! The Spanish is coming along pretty good! i have learned so much and its only been a week!! My testimony has grown so much! and it grows more and more every day!! I sent you guys a letter sometime last week i hope you got it! So you pretty much you should all write me letters because my companion Elder crow gets way more than me, so you guys are slacking!! haha but its okay because I'm usually way busy anyways!! I have some pictures to send you all of me and my comp and my district!! Its very pretty here, but i think here its like December or January! because it has snowed like everyday i have been here! i like it alot, but i get cold sometimes and my comp calls me a wimp because he is from Utah , he lives like 10 min away!! so he is use to the cold and all! he always wants to study out side, but its always freezing and he always thinks its such a beautiful day, and I'm like freezing haha.
So guess what, somehow i managed to get an ingrown toenail during the first 3 days of my mission haha, i dk how that's possible but i guess it is! So i have a doctors appt later today at like 2:30 and we have to leave the mtc and my comp is kinda scared because he lives like way close to the doctors office where i am going but oh well he will get over it! when you see the pictures of me and my comp elder crow you will laugh because he is like way skinny and I'm like huge! it just looks funny, you will see!!
So i guess i wont be able to call you on mothers day! sorry mom!! Happy Mothers day though!! and I love you!! so i guess the next time i will be able to talk to you in in like June or whenever i leave the mtc! But i guess its really slow right now to get visas in Mexico because of the whole border bill thing that was just signed or what ever but hope fully it will speed up! I will look forward to that day!! And guess what me and my comp are the only elder in the whole mtc that are going to Oaxaca, which is crazy because there are like 2500 elders here and so yeah, its pretty rare that happens!! Si guess that means there are tons of local missionaries that serve in Oaxaca!! Well I hope you all are doing great, and if you have any questions for me just write me!! Tell Hannah I love her and miss her!! But i Miss everyone else to just as much haha
I love you all and i hope to hear from you ASAP!!
Love Elder Stradling

1 comment:

  1. Amy, did you set this up?? I love it! I love the pics also! I'm going to read the letter to my kids tomorrow & we'll write him letters.
